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What to expect:

Initial Appointment: $60

Chiropractic is a natural form of healthcare that deals with the relationship between the spine and nervous system. Every message to every part of the body travels via the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves).

At your initial appointment, we hear your story, take a detailed note of your health history and conduct a comprehensive examination. From there we create an individualized plan aimed at achieving the functional goals we set together. We are with you on your health journey.

Standard Appointment: $50

For existing clients, a chiropractic appointment.

ACC Standard Appointment: $40

For existing clients who wish to use ACC. Either existing ACC claims, or you can lodge a claim with us.


Have a chat to us if you have any further questions.

Can anybody see a Chiropractor?
Absolutely! Anyone that would like the best function from their body. Our clients range from newborn babies to those in their 90s. With a wide array of underlying conditions and presenting complaints. The care is always suited to the individual client.

Why should I see a Chiropractor?
Some people seek chiropractic for treatment of a particular symptom. Often as clients see the improvements and benefits of a well functioning body, they maintain their care for maintenance or wellness visits. It is always your choice.

Some symptoms that may indicate there are underlying issues can include:

  • back pain
  • neck pain
  • headaches or migraines
  • poor sleep quality, poor energy, poor concentration
  • recurrent injuries
  • sciatic/symptoms radiating into arm or leg

Rather than ‘fixing‘ a symptom, we aim to restore normal function and get your body functioning well. Usually once this happens, there’s a significant reduction in symptoms. Our aim is to ‘treat the cause not the symptom.’

What is a 'Subluxation'?
This is a chiropractic specific term for an area that has decreased function, causing a decrease in neuro-biomechanical function. Usually these areas present with tension, pain or a related symptom.

Our aim is to optimise function through removing subluxations, through specific adjustments.

There is a growing body of evidence behind chiropractic and subluxations which has international recognition. To view research into chiropractic, subluxations and the effects of sensorimotor integration post adjustment, see

What is an adjustment? What is the noise? Is it uncomfortable?
An adjustment is the term we use to restore movement to a joint. This can be done 3 ways:

- A manual adjustment- is a hands on manoeuvre done by the chiropractor, you may here a cavitation (small pop) in the joint capsule

- An activator adjustment- done by a small instrument called an activator. This is a spring-loaded tool that is used specifically on a joint to reduce inflammation and restore joint movement

- A drop table adjustment- using the chest or pelvic drop function on the chiropractic table

If a cavitation (or small pop) occurs, this is from nitrogen gas (a byproduct of the synovial fluid in the joint capsule) moving from the joint space rapidly. It is entirely safe and usually comfortable. If the joint has surrounding inflammation it can be slightly tender. It’s our priority that you are comfortable.

Are x-rays required?
If there's clinical justification for x-rays (such as a major trauma or complex case history) we will refer you to Medex Radiology at Matamata Medical Centre. If you have previous x-rays that are relevant, please bring them along. We can access most recent digital xrays online, so please speak to Jane/Lily.

Are you ACC registered?
Yes. We accept existing ACC claims where the date of injury is within the last 12 months.

If a recent injury has occurred, we can lodge your claim also. Please talk to us for further information.

Is Chiropractic supported by research?

There is a growing body of evidence behind chiropractic and subluxations which has international recognition, a lot of it produced or influenced by New Zealander's. To view research into chiropractic, subluxations and the effects of sensorimotor integration post adjustment, see  Dr Heidi Haavik (B.Sc Chiro, PhD) is our favourite guru in this department, as a Chiropractor and Neurophysiologist. For further information on her & her teams work, see

Our chiropractors at Connected Wellness are registered, qualified, and are continually staying up to date with latest research & techniques. Chiropractic care is extremely safe with some of the highest satisfaction rates in provider healthcare. Please talk to us for any concerns that you may have.

Pregnancy, Babies & Children

Have a chat to us if you have any further questions.

Pregnant & pediatric clients can be the most challenging yet rewarding clients of chiropractic and is a reason we love chiropractic. Lily has extra training in this area, as it's important to have understanding and adaptable techniques. Chiropractic can be so beneficial during this stage of life.


Chiropractic is safe through all trimesters of pregnancy, as well as pre conception and post partum. It is such a demanding yet special time, usually with additional physical and hormonal stresses on the body. We are here to support you. Common complaints are pubic symphysis dysfunction, hip/low back pain, sciatic-like symptoms, ligament pain and headaches. Our aim isn’t to ‘fix‘ these symptoms, but rather to restore balance and often these are minimised or resolved. We encourage you to talk to your midwife (or specialist) about it as an option for you.

Often post partum mums seek our care. There is no time too soon after birth (regardless of mode of delivery) as our methods are gentle and always tailored for you- the main thing is that you feel ready and comfortable. After about 3 months (depending on individual circumstances), a lot of mums feel confident to start doing some pre-baby activity such as gentle exercise and walking/running- this can also be a beneficial time to have a chiropractic appointment.


Birth is such a unique and individual experience for both mums (both physically and mentally) and babies too. Being in utero, then the birth process and adapting to the outside world is a huge process which can have problems along the way. We often see newborns for general checks, as well as suspected discomfort in the carseat, restricted head rotation, breastfeeding/latch complaints, retained wind etc. Some births include intervention such as forceps, ventouse, and emergency C sections which chiropractic can be beneficial.

Chiropractic care for babies follows the same idea as for any other person, to restore normal function and balance and remove tension. Since babies are so cartilaginous with different joint complexes to a mature adult, chiropractic is extremely gentle, often using pressure points, dural stretches gentle cranial/body work. As babies develop, our methods are altered to suit them.


Growing toddlers and children are often dealing with rapid growth, knocks and falls and heavy school bags etc. It’s great for development. Children tend to enjoy their visits!



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